The ECCT's Technology committee hosted a webinar in cooperation with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei and AmCham on the topic “The future enterprise: digitalisation, dematerialization, sustainability, global workforce”.
We are pleased to welcome the following new members to the ECCT in February!
The ECCT hosted the first of its Next Generation Business and Leaders Series Premium Events on the subject of Taiwan’s place and prospects in the digital era. arranged an EU-Taiwan online workshop on GNSS for unmanned traffic management.
The ECCT's Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Enhancement committees jointly hosted a lunch on the topic "Sustainability of Taiwan's national health insurance system - challenges and opportunities" featuring guest speaker Dr Donald TF Shang, Director-General of the Department of Social Insurance, under the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW).
The ECCT's Planet-Friendly Eating & Living (PEL) Platform hosted a lunch on the topic "Medical innovations and insights on obesity - Advice on diet, lifestyle and the science of sleep".
The ECCT held its Annual General Meeting to elect boards of directors and supervisors for 2021 (see below for full list).
The ECCT hosted a Premium Event lunch with Dr Wu Tsung-tsong, Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).