The Taiwan National Development Council's (NDC's) Bilingual 2030 strategy paper has plentiful targets and plans for how to meet them. But it's missed out whole swathes of the population and is much too reliant on a diminishing resource - young people. By Lee Faulkner
Taiwan is in the GMT+8 time zone, and that makes sense geographically, but moving one hour ahead would give us more daylight when we need it, potentially saving energy and helping more of us enjoy the great outdoors. By Lee Faulkner
Taiwan is the current darling of Scotland's most famous export industry By Mike Jewell
The government has ambitious goals to replace ageing buildings with newer, greener versions but urban regeneration comes with a cost, not only in terms of the physical loss of existing buildings but also the psychological cost to the local community. By Paul Shelton
Taipei Dangdai is back, but with shifts in behaviour, consumption and the industry in general – just who will meet them on the other side? By Joanna Lee
The exhibition at the CKS Memorial Hall provides ample food for thought By Mike Jewell
Besides articulating the general pathos and anger of Taiwanese youth, indie is the preferred musical genre of many young political activists By Brian Hioe
- or not, since the meaning of many is lost in the prehistoric past By Mark Caltonhill
Gruelling cycling events bring international athletes to Taiwan - or did, until Covid-19 knocked everything askew By Mark Caltonhill