
TRA to be corporatised

29 April, 2021

Courtesy of ICRT

Transport Minister Wang Kwo-tsai is stressing that the government fully supports the corporatisation of the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) within three years.

Speaking at a legislative hearing, Wang said he views corporatisation as meaning “turning the railways administration into a state-owned company”.

The statement is the first time a government official has sought to clarify intentions regarding the TRA, as officials have previously used the term corporatisation to emphasize the need for an overhaul of its organizational culture.

According to the transport minister, the idea has been presented to both the cabinet and railway employee unions for further review and discussion and he remains optimistic about the eventual corporatization of the TRA.

However, Wang says his current priority is to fix safety and financial problems within the railways administration in his first year in office, then focus on communications with employees regarding benefits and salaries.

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