
Military officers sentenced for spying

23 August, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


The High Court has sentenced eight people to prison sentences ranging from 18 months to 13 years for collecting intelligence for China.


The eight include several active-duty military officers and were among 10 people indicted by the High Prosecutors Office in November of last year for allegedly spying for China.


Of the 10, one was found not guilty, while retired military officer Chen Yu-hsin remains on a wanted list.

The case stems from a 2022 investigation by the prosecutor's office into Chen after he was suspected of having been recruited to run espionage activities for Beijing in 2021.


Chen was found to have used money to lure two retired military officers to help run spy rings for China. They in turn recruited two active-duty military personnel to gather military secrets and intelligence data.


The rulings can be appealed.

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