
Huang Shan-shan apologises over TPP reporting

20 August, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


Taiwan People's Party's (TPP) lawmaker Huang Shan-shan has apologized over allegations concerning the flawed reporting of political expenses during January's presidential election. According to Huang, she takes full responsibility for what she's describing as the "flawed" declaration of political donations and expenses.


Huang is admitting there were serious flaws in bookkeeping and how campaign finances were handled and says she's fully cooperating with an investigation launched by the Taipei District Prosecutors' Office into the matter earlier this month.

Huang is blaming accountants for some of the "mistakenly" reported figures in Ko Wen-je's declarations made during his presidential campaign and says the party checked receipts and money transfer records and found that some of the expenses were not included in his declaration.


It's the second time that Huang has apologized for the flawed reporting of political expenses since 12 August. The first apology came after the Control Yuan published campaign finance reports submitted by candidates in the 2024 presidential and legislative elections.

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