
Labour laws revised to allow retirement delay

16 July, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


Lawmakers have passed amendments to Article 54 of the Labor Standards Act which will allow employers to waive the statutory retirement age for employees who wish to continue working.


The move means that workers who have reached the age of 65 can now continue working after an agreement has been made with their employers. The amendments seek to encourage employers to help healthy older workers to remain in the workplace and ensure the rights of those who wish to continue working.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the amendments also mean that employers are not allowed to subject their employees who agree to continue working after reaching 65 to “disadvantageous working conditions,” such as lower wages.


Companies found to be in violation of the amendments to Article 54 of the Labor Standards Act face a fine of up to NT$1.5 million and the names of offending companies can be made public.

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