
Cabinet asks LY to reconsider oversight bills

12 June, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


The cabinet has confirmed that it had submitted a request for the Legislative Yuan (LY) to reconsider recently passed law revisions aimed at improving its oversight of the executive branch.


In a press release, the cabinet said the deliberation leading up to the passage of the amendments had "failed to conform to democratic principles" enshrined in the constitution and hence "constituted significant flaws."


Lawmakers have 15 days to vote on whether to uphold the passage of the amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan's Power and the Criminal Code, which were designed to boost the lawmaking body's ability to oversee the president and cabinet by strengthening its powers to investigate government wrongdoing.


Opposition KMT and TPP lawmakers have pledged to continue backing the revisions despite opposition from the cabinet and ruling DPP lawmakers.

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