
Rainfall benefits southern reservoirs

29 May, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


The Water Resources Administration says Tuesday's heavy rain raised water levels in key reservoirs in the south. According to the administration, the Tsengwen Reservoir in Chiayi County and the Nanhwa Reservoir in Tainan both reported rainfall totals of 12.5 centimetres, while the Wu-Shan-Tou Reservoir, which is also in Tainan, reported 7.2 centimetres of rainfall.


It's the first time since September of last year that the Tsengwen Reservoir recorded over 10-centimeters of rainfall in a single day.

The rain means the Tsengwen and Wu-Shan-Tou reservoirs both have a total of 237-million cubic meters of water, raising the levels to 34.93% of their joint capacity while the rain deposited 25.77 million cubic meters of water in Nanhwa Reservoir, bringing it up to 28.89% of its total capacity.


However, the Water Resources Administration says the overall benefits of the current weather front are still under evaluation and southern parts of the island could still see drought conditions this summer.

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