
LY protests set to continue

28 May, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


Thousands of protesters are expected to fill the streets adjacent to the Legislative Yuan once again today, as lawmakers resume reviewing a package of parliamentary reform bills.


Several of the bills proposed by the KMT and the Taiwan People's Party are scheduled for a third and final reading today.


One of them seeks to strengthen the legislature's investigative rights, while another would criminalise "contempt of parliament."


Over 100,000 people gathered outside the Legislative Yuan last Friday, demanding that the bills be withdrawn.


That protest was organized by several civic groups including the Economic Democracy Union, which says it plans to move its main stage from Qingdao East Road to Jinan Road today as it seeks to expand exposure for the protest.


Lawmakers wrapped-up Friday's session at 23:28 after they passed key parts of the proposed reform bill focusing on the legislature's investigative rights during a second reading.

The DPP has announced that it will seek a constitutional interpretation of parliamentary reform bills if they pass a third reading unchanged. DPP legislative caucus whip Ker Chien-ming says his party will ask for a constitutional interpretation on the constitutionality of the contents of the amendments and the constitutionality of the legislative procedures used in handling the revisions before they were enacted.


According to Ker, constitutional interpretation No. 585 makes it clear lawmakers only have the right to ask for documents from government agencies.


And he's arguing that the KMT and TPP proposed amendments are "undoubtedly unconstitutional" as they would reduce the balance of powers between the different branches of government under the Constitution into a single power.

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