
Protest against violence in the legislature

18 May, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


After yesterday's chaos in the Legislative Yuan, demonstrators gathered outside the building last night chanting "No discussion, no democracy".


Estimates of the crowd size vary, with some reporting a hundred protestors while DPP Legislator Wang Ting-yu said there were nearly 2,000.


CNA reports that they were protesting against what they called the unreasonable behaviour of the KMT and the TPP. Activist Luo Yi was quoted on the scene condemning the lack of transparency on the part of opposition parties saying the content of their proposals was not clear.


The protests dispersed after midnight, with some participants calling on the crowd to return Tuesday, when the bills will be discussed again.

Meanwhile, six professors from Taipei University have launched a petition to condemn the violence in the legislature. They said it set a terrible example for the public and that it should not be exempt from legal consequences.


Lawmakers stopped the review of several controversial parliamentary reforms bills article by article last night at midnight as Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu announced the end of the day's plenary session and that the meeting will continue at 9am on 21 May 21.


That's after lawmakers from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and opposition KMT and Taiwan People's Party engaged in physical scuffles and verbal attacks throughout the day yesterday over controversial legislative reforms. Six people were sent to hospital, including DPP legislator Puma Shen Bo-yang.

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