
Labour funds see significant gains

02 April, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


The Bureau of Labor Funds reports growth, with labour funds gaining approximately NT$176 billion in February. The bureau attributes this to global financial market rallies. The total gains for the first two months of the year reached NT$252 billion, marking an increase from the previous month.


Despite inflationary pressures in the U.S., resilient economic indicators like a robust job market and improved manufacturing activities have fuelled investor confidence, particularly in U.S. equities and the stabilizing Chinese stock market.

The Taiex and major stocks like TSMC have seen notable rises, contributing to the positive performance.


With 57% of investments in overseas markets, the labor funds' overall value stood at NT$6.2 trillion by February's end, achieving a 4% return rate this year. However, looming uncertainties and geopolitical tensions may impact future market stability.

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