
MOU on Indian migrant workers

17 February, 2024

Courtesy of ICRT


Taiwan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India on labour cooperation, meaning Taiwan is getting ready to import Indian migrant workers.


Taiwan and Indian representatives inked the MOU yesterday and the Ministry of Labor (MOL) says they'll hold meetings as soon as possible to work out details, including the number of migrant workers, recruitment criteria and methods.


Addressing stereotype concerns that the crime rate among Indian migrant workers is relatively high, the MOL says there are over 18 million Indian workers employed overseas across multiple countries worldwide.

The MOL says Japan and South Korea are in talks with India to bring in migrant workers as well, and Taiwan must compete with all those nations for manpower.


Noting that the overall crime rate of migrant workers is actually less than half of that of the local population, the MOL says the number indicates that the majority of migrant workers abide by the law. Those who don't will have their employment permits revoked and be repatriated.


The MOL has promised that the recruitment process will involve effective screening for educational background and crime records.

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