
Cabinet outlines more road safety plans

18 August, 2023

Courtesy of ICRT


The cabinet is hoping to cut the number of fatalities caused by road accidents by 30% by 2030 under a new scheme unveiled by the Executive Yuan. The four-year plan seeks to safeguard pedestrian safety and promote increased use of public transport. It also focuses on 600 of the island's most accident-prone locations.


One transport ministry official said the plan aims to strengthen the motorcyclist licensing system, due to the high number of motorcycle-related deaths and enhancing motorcyclists' hazard perception abilities.

It also calls for subsidizing public transport operators to ensure uninterrupted operations, expanding the road network, and increasing bus services on main roads.


The cabinet has approved a draft of the traffic safety basic law, which will be submitted to the Legislative Yuan next month. The cabinet has also said that it will establish a road traffic safety council to facilitate the plan's execution.

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