
Tourism seeing strong rebound

26 April, 2023

Courtesy of ICRT


Transport minister Wang Kwo-tsai says the number of international visitors to Taiwan has rebounded post-coronavirus, with over 1.5 million entering the country this year through 24 April.


The Tourism Bureau says Taiwan welcomed around 900,000 visitors in 2022, compared to a low of 140,000 in 2021 and a record high of 11.8 million in 2019.

Speaking to reporters at a tourism conference in Chiayi, Wang said his office is optimistic that international tourist numbers will reach six million this year, and possibly return to the pre-pandemic level of 12 million in 2024.


The tourism conference in Chiayi is one of four being held in the north, south, centre and east. The transport minister says the events are aimed at updating industry members and local governments on how his office is making use of the NT$5.3 billion budgeted to promote international tourism this year.

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