
2024 ECCT & NTU Offshore Wind Seminar

16 July, 2024


The ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative cooperated with National Taiwan University’s College of Engineering (臺灣大學工學院) to arrange a two-day offshore wind energy seminar. Opening remarks were made by Dr Chiang Mao-Hsiung, Dean of the College of Engineering at National Taiwan University (臺灣大學工學院院長 江茂雄) and ECCT Chairman Giuseppe Izzo, after which presentations were delivered in morning and afternoon sessions over two full days, many of which were by ECCT members representing companies engaged in the offshore wind energy industry. Read the full event report.


On the first day of the seminar, presentations were delivered by the following speakers: Huang Wei-Chih, Section Chief, Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division, Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (EA, MOEA, 經濟部能源署再生與前瞻能源發展組科長 黃韋智); Sarah Westenberger, Aggreko Business Development Manager - Taiwan; Mei Ko, Head of Infrastructure - Trade, Department for Business and Trade, British Office Taipei (英國在台辦事處基礎工程處處長 柯新媚); Alex Tsai, Development Manager, Corio Generation (科理歐永續能源股份有限公司開發經理 蔡昇宏); Sampson Tsai, Civil & Structural Engineering Manager / OWF Yunlin Certificate Manager, Skyborn Renewables (天豐新能源股份有限公司工程設計經理/雲林離岸風場專案驗證經理 蔡欣仰) and Lee Kuan-I, Business Development Vice President, EDF Renewables (法電再生能源股份有限公司商務開發副總監 李冠億).


On the second day, presentations were delivered by the following speakers: Ethan Tsai, Director, New Energy Business Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan (資誠聯合會計師事務所再生能源事業服務副總經理 蔡宗達); Mark Richmond, Senior Engineer and Project Manager, DNV AS Taiwan Branch (挪威商立恩威驗證股份有限公司再生能源驗證團隊資深工程師及專案經理); Don Yang, Country Manager, Boskalis Taiwan (荷蘭商波斯卡利斯台灣股份有限公司臺灣總經理 楊松樾); YD Chang, Head of Public Affairs Taiwan, Vestas Offshore Wind Taiwan (台灣維特斯離岸風電股份有限公司公共事務資深經理 張雅惇) and Evanny Hsu, Sales Manager, Deutsche Windtechnik (德唯特股份有限公司業務經理 徐子琇). 

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