
The importance of stakeholder engagement in renewable energy projects

07 June, 2024

The ECCT has published a new report offering insights and recommendations on ways to improve the permitting process and engagement with various stakeholders involved in renewable energy projects in Taiwan. The “Taiwan Renewable Energy Industry Challenges - Best Practice Report for Stakeholder Engagement and Permitting” (臺灣再生能源產業之挑戰 利害關係人溝通與許可最佳實務報告) was compiled by the ECCT and Niras Taiwan with contributions from the ECCT Wind Energy Committee’s Stakeholder Engagement Best Practices Working Group, comprising 33 industry experts from 27 local and international companies and organisations. Read the full event report.



The report was launched by members of the Wind Energy committee to fellow chamber members and invited guests of honour from the government at a lunch event today. Presentations summarising the main findings were given by the main contributors to the report, namely Raoul Kubitschek, Bart Linssen and James McCatherin. Government officials attending the launch were Dr Chen Chung-Hsien, Director, Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division, Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA, 經濟部能源署再生與前瞻能源發展組陳崇憲組長); Su Jin-sheng, Director, Office of Energy & Carbon Reduction, Executive Yuan (行政院能源及減碳辦公室蘇金勝主任) and Tsai Meng-Yu, Director, Department of Environment Protection, Ministry of Environment (環境部環境保護司蔡孟裕司長).   

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