
Family friendly initiatives to address the talent shortage

10 May, 2024

The ECCT’s Family Friendly Alliance hosted a lunch on the topic: “Talent shortages in enterprises - How to support employees achieve a balance between family and work”. The event featured presentations by Bright Lee, Chief Editor of Research for Global Views Monthly (遠見雜誌 李建興 智庫總編輯); Tsai Yulin, Founder of the Seek and Find Social Enterprise Taiwan (得人資源整合有限公司 蔡淯鈴 創辦人) and Howard Shiu, Partner at Baker McKenzie and Co-chair of the ECCT’s HR Committee (國際通商法律事務所 許修豪 合夥人暨歐洲商會人力資源委員會 共同主席). Read the full event report.



In his presentation, Bright Lee gave a summary of results of the magazine's recent survey and research on the impact of Taiwan’s demographic trends on the workforce and companies, the impact of the trends on corporate competitiveness and how companies should respond.

In her presentation, Tsai Yu-lin spoke about why Taiwan faces more pronounced work-family conflicts than Europe and America and what measures companies should take to support pregnant employees and young parents.


In his presentation, Howard Shiu shared fundamental legal structures and policies and outlined what companies can do under these legal frameworks.

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