
Premium Event with Dr Chen Chien-jen

20 August, 2020


The ECCT hosted a Premium Event lunch with Dr Chen Chien-jen, Former vice president and currently Distinguished Professor at Academia Sinica. Read the full event report here 


The event was jointly hosted by the ECCT’s Healthcare Enhancement committee and the Planet-Friendly Eating and Living Platform. At the event Dr Chen gave a presentation titled “Post-Covid-19 economy and lifestyle: A new digital and robotic age” in which he shared his views on the impacts brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and some of the opportunities and challenges facing Taiwanese residents, industry, research institutes and the country as a whole in adjusting to the new reality.


The speaker began with a review of Taiwan’s success in dealing with the pandemic through prudent action, rapid response, early deployment, and transparency, all of which were based on principles established after the 2002-2003 SARS experience.

Chen emphasised that success would not have been possible without cooperation of the people affected. He noted that of the over 250,000 people who have been subject to quarantine and isolation, the vast majority have followed guidelines and kept themselves isolated. According to Chen, this high degree of compliance illustrates a spirit of solidarity that has helped to protect the general public.


While the pandemic has had a devastating impact on several industry sectors, particularly hospitality, travel and tourism, a number of sectors have great potential in the post-Covid world. Chen singled out “big health” which includes e-health, precision medicine, epidemic prevention technology, health promotion services and smart healthcare as the most promising along with the so-called “zero-touch economy” (products and services that eliminate the need for physical contact).

Please refer to this link for the photos:

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